We had a marvelous trip to Berlin, even though it rained on us all day the second day. We traveled by trian and the station was an architectural marvel. When we arrived, we bought museum passes, which got us into all of the museums. Thanks to my sweet husband who sent me a copy of my faculty ID, we were able to get the tickets for only $12. We spent the first day on Museum island. The first museum was the Pergamon museum which contained the alter of Zues.
We had a leisurely lunch in an outdoor cafe, and the sparrows were
waiting for us to finish. Larry literally fed them from his hand.
This is the hotel where we stayed.
This is a view looking across the street.
The next day, we went to a bunker that had been turned into a contemporary art gallery. Then, we continued to the museums, the Berlin Wall, the Holocaust Memorial, and the Brandenburg Gate.
I don't remember walking so much in my life. We were worn out and got on the train to return to the art farm in Hilmsen.