We had heard that the doors at the airport are locked until 5:00 a.m., but luckily our shuttle driver knew to take us to gate C, so we could get in and walk to gate B. At 4:15 a.m. there was already a long line for our flight to Frankfort, because there were only three people working the desk. Finally, at 5:00 a.m. staff started showing up and the line moved faster. No little shops were open that early to get coffee, so we had to forgo it.
We knew we had a close connection in Frankfort to go on to Houston, but had no idea how long we had to walk. It took forever walking all the way through terminal A, then catching a tram to terminal B and C, then up and down escalators, moving walkways, going through security again, and through a customs area. We had an hour and a half between flights, but by the time we got to the gate, we boarded 10 minutes later. Cheryl and I did not sit together coming back. We had reserved seats, but they had no record of it. In the Rome airport they had assigned us the very last seats in the back of the plane, 56 B & C. She likes the window and I like the isle, so it sounded like she was in the middle seat. She got them to find her a window seat on the other side of the plane. As it turned out, the seat I was in had only two seats, one aisle and one window. So, I got to stretch out and get some sleep, having no one beside me. I am writing this on the plane now, and we should be in Houston in 4 hours!

The trip was truly magnificent. I have so much to share with my family and students over the next few months.
I am so anxious to go to Italy again in March with my students and Angela and Wells.
I will be going to Paris July 31st for the EF Tours orientation...another great experience to report!!